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Sprinkler Saves

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BAFSA represents and provides services for all parts of the sprinkler and watermist industry, large and small and all its members are entitled to take part in all of its activities and all its various groups, committees and forums

BAFSA welcomes applications for membership from all parts of the industry and from any organisation which has an interest in the promotion of sprinkler protection as the most effective way of protecting life and property from the effects of fire.

BAFSA is a democratic organisation, promoting an all-inclusive approach and is the only UK trade association which represents all parts of the sprinkler industry. BAFSA’s funding comes solely from its members and its activities are therefore entirely directed to benefiting the interests of all its members and the wider public good.

BAFSA represents and provides services for all parts of the sprinkler and watermist industry, large and small and all its members are entitled to take part in all of its activities and all its various groups, committees and forums.

Any company or organisation with an interest in the UK sprinkler industry should join BAFSA and participate in all its activities. It is your industry. It is only by having a strong trade association that we can influence future standards, legislation and government policies.

BAFSA is dedicated to making sure that sprinkler systems are installed to the highest professional standards.

BAFSA’s primary objectives include providing authoritative information on the benefits of sprinkler systems and how sprinklers can play a significant role in saving life and property from the devastating effects of fire. To these ends, BAFSA works closely with the government, fire and rescue service, building control officers, insurers, architects and town planners.

2024 Subscriptions (exc. 20% vat)

2024 Subscriptions (exc. 20% vat)
Sprinkler / Mist Head Manufacturer : 10,500.00
Registered Companies Level 4 : 3,812.00
Registered Companies Level 3 : 2,550.00
Registered Companies Level 2 : 1,965.00
Registered Companies Level 1 : 1,270.00
Suppliers / Manufacturers of Approved Equipment : 2,100.00
Associate – FRS : 220.00
Associate – trade : 640.00
Associate – organisation : 231.00
Associate – individual : 231.00

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